Award Guidelines
We are pleased to provide three student awards. The Award ceremony will take place after the SIMS workshop poster session on Wednesday June 11, 2025.
In order to submit the application, please send an email to: with the subject: “Application for the Student Travel Awards”, “Application for Surface Analysis Awards”, or “Application for SIMS Workshop Awards” and a following attachment: a short CV and your abstract(s) submitted to the SIMS conference. If you are applying for a travel award you must also include a detailed budget for your travel costs. All application materials must be combined into a single pdf document.
Please submit all application materials by March 31st, 2025.
Student Awards
SIMS Workshop Student Awards
Three awards in the amount of $500, $300, and $200 will be presented to students who made relevant developments in SIMS applications. Awards will be conferred to students who enter the awards competition and make the best oral or poster presentations at the conference. Awards will be conferred to students who are deemed by the judges to have provided the best presentations.
Corning Materials Science Award
A Corning Award for two students demonstrating excellence in materials science in the amount of $500 each for a commemorative plaque.
Remarks for Student Awards
Selection will be made based on the supplied documents and a presentation at 2023 Rice University SIMS Workshop.
International Student Travel Award (students from outside of the US and Canada)
Two awards in the amount of up to $1000 will be presented to students who made relevant developments in Surface analysis or in SIMS applications. Awards will be conferred to students who enter the awards competition and make the best oral or poster presentations at the conference. Awards will be conferred to students who are deemed by the judges to have provided the best presentations. The student must justify a travel expense over $500 to apply.
Students must register for 2025 North American SIMS Workshop and give their presentation to receive the Award. Students can apply to all student awards, but one person is not able to win more than one award